Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

Nicklas and Lottas Big day!

The 19th of May was a beautiful day, not jut because Summer had arrived early but because was the day that Nicklas and Lotta finally got married!…after 16 years together and 3 children it was about time! They are from Tumba and chose the beautiful little church at Lida for their wedding so we of course made use of the stunning surroundings, a ski slope overlooking the lake for their wedding and family portraits. Lottas dress was probably the biggest I’ve seen. It was so beautifully detailed in a modern Barrock style that we just had to take a few traditional formal photos before moving on to the romantic and lively portraits. After 16 years together you’d think that Lotta and Nicklas would just be going through the motions but they were SOOO in love. It was as if they they were a new couple about to embark on a life together. They both radiated joy and love and I was tearful on several occasions during their portrait session. When Nicklas told Lotta what it was he loved about her all three of us girls were tearful (Lotta, me and my second photographer Anna!) I have yet to look through all of the 1500 photos of their day but I have a picked out a bunch which I think reflects them as a couple, as a family and their day. For my fellow Spotify users, click here if you’d like music to the slideshow.

I helgen gifte sig kära Lotta och Nicklas i Lida Kyrka där jag fick äran att vara deras bröllopsfotograf. Det var en underbart vacker dag med deras närmaste familj, inte minst deras tre söta döttrar!