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Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

Tom, Jack and Anna!

This week I started shooting again! Yeah! It was last July that I last had a real session so I was both nervous and excited to be photographing Tom 6, Jack 4, and Anna 2 this week. I didn’t need to be nervous at all though! It was like riding a bike and these three kiddies played so lovely together and enjoyed all of my silly games that our hour flew by in the blink of eye! (I since heard that the family had such a great morning that they skived off school together for the rest of the day and made it a family day! Nice!)

Here are some of my favourite shots of the session. There were so many good photos to choose from with such a huge variety of different expressions it wasn’t easy to pick these out!

Barnfotograf Tullinge Stockholm

3 sisters!

A couple of weeks ago, when we had that sudden snowfall, I photographed Carolina and Jake in Tullinge for their engagement photography session (their wedding is not so far away now!) With 3 beautiful little girls we had to get some family portraits and a few playful shots of each of the girls; Cloe 2, Ella 4 and Nova 6! Here are a few of my favourites after 10 minutes playing in the snow!

lindholm photography familjefotografering family photography


Testing my new studio background!

Yesterday I had delivered a pair of new baby studio backgrounds and oh so exciting! This morning I had a few minutes to grab some photos of my little Alice who turned 6 months yesterday and can now sit up all by herself! Oskar joined in for a few minutes too and of course where there is Oskar there is Hunden, his little dog who was the perfct model.

I am just about fully booked now until Midsummer but if you are about to give birth and are interested in a new born session (baby less than 2 weeks old) then get in touch anyway!!!



Carolina and jake Engagement session

Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing Carolina and Jake in their garden in Tullinge. They are getting married in June and this was their engagement session which is included in many of my wedding packages. So, my first photo shoot since I was pregnant with Alice…actually my first session since 2nd July last year! That’s 9 months ago! I was nervous and up late!  argh! But you what? I came away after our 40 minutes together feeling great! I knew I had gotten some lovely shots of Carolina and Jake together. I had gotten to know them a little better and got to know a little more of who they are as couple and how they are best photographed. Now I can’t wait to shoot them on their wedding day in June!

förlovnings fotografering engagement sessionI also took some lovely photos of their 3 girls which I’ll blog a little later!

Winter booking special

Brrr…it’s cold out! I’ve had enough of Winter already. I look forward to the Spring and all it has to offer, not least sunshine and green grass! But Spring isn’t so far away really, so if you are thinking of booking me for a family session, engagement session, or baby portraits then now’s the time to book…and you’ll be super glad to hear that I have a special deal! Book before the end of April for a session in Tullinge between 1st May and 30th June 2012 and get a 50% discount of the booking fee!

Yepp…a whole 50%! That means you only pay 450 kr!

After your session you are then invited to come to my new (hopefully finished by then!) studio/office in Tullinge for a presentation of your photos where you can see them in large format and be inspired with what you want to do with your pictures! No minimum spend or such horrid things here. You look, you feel, you choose. Get your booking made soon though before my slots are full.

This offer is not available on the Goldilocks portrait packages nor any of the wedding packages and cannot be combined with any other offers.

So for a little Spring inspiration I looked through my archives and came across these wonderful Spring photos of Tilda taken 2 years ago. This was a photo session with her sister and Tilda was dancing barefoot in a garden filled with wild blur flowers. It was such a lovely moment to capture, the innocence and joy of childhood. She was proud of her ballet moves.
child dancing in the grass

For my fellow photographers and bloggers out there this collage was created using a Bridge/Photoshop plugin called Juxtapost…what a time saver!

Baby Alice is 2½ months old already!

Can you believe it? My little sweetie is already 2½ months old and Oskar is so big now! Time flies by in the blink of an eye. Alice is more awake during the days now and sleeps pretty well at night. I often get 6 hours without having to feed her! Oskar is full of charm, determination and talk… he talks all day long from the moment he wakes till the moment he sleeps, describing everything he’s doing!

Anyway, I thought I’d share a few snaps of Alice and Oskar taken 2 weeks ago and a few more taken yesterday! These photos are very nearly straight out of camera (SOOC). They have the simplest of actions applied in Lightroom and no retouching, but they are good enough to enjoy!

Nu är Alice 2½ månader redan och tiden flygar förbi alldeles för fort! Här kommer några bilder tagit av Alice och Oskar under de senaste 2 veckor.


New wedding gallery!

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Wedding favourites 2010-1011

Baby Alice, now 3 weeks old!

I know I’ve been promising blogs for ages and I haven’t delivered… but I promise I’ve been busy! … giving birth! 3 weeks ago our lovely Alice arrived in the world. After regular prelabour contractions on and off for 5 weeks and a long labour Alice decided it was time at last! As they say, good things come to those who wait. She’s such a beautiful darling. Oskar loves her to pieces and just wants to hold her. He thinks it’s funny when she makes noises and says, “Hej hej Alice!” expecting a reply! So sweet! I was pretty out of it for quite a while after the delivery (photographed I should add by Juliana Wiklund) so it took me a whole 6 days to pick up a camera and I haven’t managed more since then. Heres my favourite of our delivery photos taken by juliana. Alice is just a couple of minutes old, lifted up to my chest for the first time.

…and now to some close ups of Alice, 6 days old.

7 days old…

and 2½ weeks!

Olivias Christening

It’s been a while since I blogged! I am now 8 months pregnant have a lot of difficulty getting around so I haven’t been able to photograph anything since the beginning of July. I’m keeping busy though! I have a whole lot of exciting things to blog, such a thank you card designs, book designs, new albums, my own family/pregnancy photo session and more…. I will try and post a couple of times per week from now until the baby arrives so keep checking in!Anyway, to the first of my blogs after the Summer… during my holidays I went to visit my brother and his family in Plymouth (UK) for the special event of baby Olivias christening! It was so lovely to see Richard and Katy with their beautiful liltte Olivia, who I have to say, is so like my brother when he was small! Well, with my limited ability to move (I was using crutches to walk at this time) here’s a selection of photos I took on Olivias special day.

Olivia is Oskars first cousin and so since I’m expecting a little one very soon it was so wonderful to see Oskars reaction to her. He just wanted to kiss her and stroke her all the time. I’m so looking forward to taking these type of pictures of my little ones together!…it’s not long to go now!

In the evening all the family went out for a pub dinner, English style! We were a little nervous as to how Oskar was going to take the evening but he found plenty to amuse himself with! Isn’t he so cute in his little suit!