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Author Archives: terrilindholm

Nina and Fredrik Married at Djurönäset!

This weekend I Nina and Fredriks wedding photographer! After their lovely engagement shoot I was so looking forward to this day. The setting was at Djurönäset, a little outside Stockholm…the perfect archepelago setting. The location, the rooms, the staff were all lovely. Most importantly though, Nina and Fredrik were beaming happiness, bliss, love. They were just perfect! So, here are just a few of my favourites from their portrait session!

This was my last wedding of the year. Boo hoo. I am now 5 months pregnant and the pelvic girdle pains are causing too much pain and difficulty to continue. Since I suffered similar problems during my last pregnancy I could make the cancellations necessary in good time and help all my late Summer couples find amazing alternative photographers. I’m going to be missing out on loads of beautiful weddings but I’ll be following lots of blogs looking out for ‘my’ couples!! So, with this, my last wedding of the year I had the assistance of Özgür who was brilliant in lugging my heavy bag around! Thank you so much!

To my followers, don’t fret, I will still be blogging, although not over these next few weeks while I take some vacation. I have a few things left in the pipeline and eventually photos of our baby girl (so they tell us) when she shows up in the Autumn!

Denna helg var jag bröllopsfotograf åt Nina och Fredrik och det var underbart! Jag fotograferade de på vigselplatset, Djurönäset, utanför Stockholm.

Scarlet, Sydney, London, Brooklyn and Jimmy!

Last year I photographed Scarlet, Jimmy and Sydney while Scarlet was pregnant with twins. Now a year on I photographed the new bigger family complete with London and Brooklyn! The girls were just adorable in their matching purple dresses and cardigans! London is a very serious little one whilst Brooklyn is quick to laugh…but they both laughed away on the swings!!

Apparently Scarlet and Jimmy have had no luck getting a photo with all three girls looking in the same direction. It takes some patience!..but we got there in the end as well as all the beautiful moments of love and laughter that I just love to capture! I’m really looking forward to designing their book! It’s going to be great!

Familjefotografering i Enskede, Stockholm.

Sara och Johan

Sara received one of my gift certificates for her birthday and she chose to get some pictures taken together with her boyfriend! aaahh! I Love it! They arrived ready for their photo shoot in Tullinge, nervous, both claiming, “we don’t look good on camera.”…Well! NONSENSE is all I can say! They were both beautiful, perfecty relaxed and radiated happiness; basically they made my job a very easy one…don’t you think?

Married at Karlbergs Slott

Last weekend I photographed this beautiful and stylish couples wedding at Karlbergs Slott, in central Stockholm. I have photographed many families in the Slott park but never a bridal couple so I was thrilled when they wanted me to document their special day.

Following tradition the groom arrived with the bridalbouquet in hand ready for a their First Look. I love it when a couple chooses this and almost all of ‘my’ couples do and they love it! I think I captured the grooms look of joy perfectly as he turned to face his beautiful bride for the first time!

This was the most beautiful viel ever, a Spanish viel I think it’s called, and we had just a little breeze…and the help of Gisela to capture these lovely shots!

I don’t normally post so many individual shots but this bride is just so stunning I couldn’t help myself!

Denna helg fotograferade jag denna vackert par på deras bröllopsdag på Karlbergs Slott i centrala Stockholm. Det var en riktigt fin vigsel med dess militär inslag! Helt underbar!

Family photography with Viola at Långbro Park

I think these photos say everything about Viola. Sweet, happy and loves her mum and dad so much! At the start of the session Viola was a little shy and nervous with the new face with the big camera but after 5 minutes all was well as she twirled in her dress and gave me a flower! She’s such a cutie full of love and cuddles for her parents!

Angelika and Johnnie Married at Noors Slott

This Saturday was the kind of days all brides dream about when they plan their wedding… blue skies and all the sun you can imagine! It was perfect. For us photographers it is a challenge to find nice soft light, but I managed…mostly!

My second shooter, Cherrie, and I arrived at Noors Slott to photograph the last of Angelika and Johnnies preparations…this means getting dressed! This is a big deal for any bride. It’s a magical moment when you put on that very special gown. Suddenly it’s real, it’s now! You’re getting married to the man of your dreams today! I remember the feeling so well!

For Jonnie’s getting ready pictures you’ll have to take a look at Cherrie’s blog in a few days!

I just love the lighting in this photo!

An emotional first look at eachother!

Angelika and Johnnie’s ceremony was outdoors under an avenue of trees. Beautiful! At the end of their ceremony several of their guests sang together each standing up in turn. It was soooo beautiful! I can’t tell you how much, other than that it was a good job my lens had vibration reduction because my eyes poored and my hands shook!

I helgen var jag bröllopsfotograf på Noors Slott. Det var en fantastsik dag och en ära att fota underbara Angelika and Johnnies stora dag.

Larsson family at Karlbergs Slottpark

Last week I had the enormous pleasure of photographing this beautiful Swinglish family in the park behind Karlbergs Slott! Simone and Leon are such adorable cute kids full of life and laughter. Here are some of my favourites. It was such a hard choice picking out the photos for this blog. It’s a good job that I will be designing a photobook of this session so I can spend some more time on their pictures!

Engagement session with Nina and Fredrik

This weekend I just arrived back from a wonderful holiday (in-parts) from Italy (photos to come soon)! My parents are currently living in Italy so off we all trotted to visit them in Vicenza. We stayed at the most amazing agriturism place on a farm a little outside Vicenza. I wrote that the holiday was wonderful in parts because for 4 out of the 7 days at least one of us was desperately ill with winter vomiting disease! AGAIN! We all had it in December last year and poor Oskar was hospitalised with it for 6 days but fortunately he coped much better this time!..anyway, home on Saturday and on Sunday straight back to work with an engagement session with Nina and Fredrik. But this was not an ordinary photo shoot, Nina and Fredrik had invited me to join them for a picnic after the shoot with my family! We sat in the sun enjoying the sea views from Djurö for an hour. How lovely is that?!

Anyway, now onto some of my favourite photos! Nina and Fredrik are probably the most in tune and loving couple of I have ever met! They are filled with all the excitement of the year to come! They have only been together a year but even after their first date they both knew they had each met ‘the One’! beautiful!…

I just loved this moment of Nina!

Susann and Ricky Part 2: Liams Christening!

After Susann and Ricky’s wedding ceremony 5 month old Liam had a change of clothes to a lovely white dress for his christening! Liams dress had some lovely details connected the wedding. The ribbon in his dress was also used in Susannes bridal bouquet and Liam had the same corsage as Ricky! Both the ribbon and flower kept little Liam enterntained through the ceremony so he was in a perfect mood to be shown off and blessed!

This was the first time I had photographed a christening and I have to say that it was just as beautiful and special as a wedding! I’d love to do more! Here are some of my favourites!

Engagement session in Tullinge

>Last week I met up, in the evening sun, with the most beautiful of couples for their engagement shoot at lake Tullinge. I will be shooting their wedding in a few weeks time so we met up to take some ‘everyday’ pictures while we got to know each other better! I love these sessions. They are the perfect complement to a couples wedding story. It’s such an exciting time to be engaged, especially those weeks before the wedding when all the details are coming together and you are so full of hope…I remember how it was myself!

Anyway, These two are such a gorgeaous couple so at ease with eachother that my job was easy peasy!… I can’t wait for their wedding!