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Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

Madeleine, the full photo shoot!

>Madeleine enjoys photography but really wanted some nice pictures of herself. The pictures taken after Gymnasiet weren’t really anything special. So, for Christmas she received the best of presents! I photo shoot with me!! On Sunday I photographed beautiful Madeleine in Tullnge. We timed the shoot for 3pm so we could catch that beautiful warm light before the sun went down and it was perfect! cold…but perfect!
I used th natural light 80% of the time with a little help of a reflector to balance the light on the shady side. We even used off camera flash for a few of the later shots but hopefully you can’t tell which ones!

>Anya, 6 weeks old!

>This weekend I photographed baby Anya and her family in Stockholm. She was the cutest little baby and so tiny at just 6 weeks old!

I have so many shots to look through now and create a gallery that I haven’t had time to look through them all yet but very quickly here are some favourites.

It’s so lovely to shoot newborns. It’s so important to capture those little wrinkles and hairs that dissapear in the first 2 or 3 weeks of life. It’s amazing how quickly they grow and change. I can hardly bealive that it was only a year ago Oskar was that small! I’m so thankful for all the photos I have of him documenting all his different phases and expressions.

Sneak peak: Madeleine!

>I had an amazing shoot yesterday afternoon with Madeleine and thought I’d share 2 photos in the wait for the full blog post later in the week!
I had such great fun Madeleine! You are so beautiful!..take a look…

>Competition – Family favourites 2010!

>Competition! Read below!!!

So, at last I have picked out no less than 129 favourites from all my family shoots during 2010! It was a really tough job but I am happy with the result! It’s great to look back through these photos and remember all the wonderful families I’ve met. Each family has their own charms and I love to capture these in camera.

It was even harder picking out 5 pictures to add to this blog post and maybe my choice reflects what is dearest to me at the moment…children with their mums! But I do love to capture little ones with their dads too!!!

Now, here comes the competition!… Go and visit my Facebook page and click on Like/Gilla. Look for the Family Favourites photo gallery and select your favourite photos! You can vote for 3 photos. The family in the photo with the most votes by Valentines day (14/02) wins their picture mounted on a kappa board in 30x45cm! So, round up all your friends and family and get them all to vote and make one of my 2010 families SUPER HAPPY this Valentines!

If you’d like to book a session for your family this Spring, then call or mail me and get a date booked!..Or if you know a family who’d love some photos taken then buy them a gift certificate! You pick the amount you want to give.

Here’s my favourites in a slideshow! If you are watching at work, beware, there is music!

Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! I helgen har jag fotat X & X bröllop i Stockholm!Jag älskar barn- och familjefotografering! Jag fotografera fler familjer i Stockholm och Skåne.

>Raoul, 9 months

>Anna and Fredrik played underwater rugby with my husband for several years before they moved to Germany 2 years ago for work. A sad loss to his team! Now they have finally moved back to Sweden, just not to Stockholm so I guess they’ll be playing on opposing teams at some point in the year!

Anyway, more to the point, whilst visiting family in Stockholm over the Christmas break they took the chance to book a family shoot with me! Happy me! Raoul is the cutest little 9 month old! He curls his tounge when he laughs in a way most of us can never do! It was just my luck that the shoot was planned when we had a 90% partial solar exclipse (little did I know) so lamps and flashes were used in part, but Roaul didn’t seem to care! Here are a few of my favourites with a few more in the slideshow to follow!

Some of you might recognise Anna and Frekke from my portfolio and old blog post. A stunning 2008 wedding couple! What a wedding it was!

Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf och familjefotograf! I helgen har jag fotat baby Raoul i Stockholm!Jag älskar barn- och familjefotografering! Jag fotografera fler familjer i Stockholm och Skåne.

Best of 2010 – Weddings!


What a year 2010 has been! It’s been the most exciting year ever watching both Oskar and my company grow more than I imagined!

I’ve recently been invited to join the exclusive group of Swedens best wedding photographers at brollopsfotografer.com! It’s such an honour and I look forward to shooting even more weddings this year all over Sweden! The lovely little 3D book on this site links directly to an example wedding coffeetable book which are included in 2 of my standard packages this year!

I’ve loved shooting every one of my wedding couples and families and am so excited for all the people I will meet in 2011…as well as meeting all of my returning clients again! I have enjoyed running my business so much that I’m no longer running Lindholm Photography on evenings and weekends but am now dedicating 2 weekdays per week to it so I hope to have even more time for shooting!

To round up last year I thought I’d share a ‘best of weddings 2010’ slideshow. There are loads of previously unseen photos here as well as favourites I have already shared on my blog. I hope you enjoy!

Another slideshow with my ‘2010 family favourites’ will come soon with a facebook competition. So come back on my blog for details in a few days!
Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! I helgen har jag fotat en hel del bröllopspar och familj och det har varit riktigt roligt! Jag älskar barn- och familjefotograferingoch fota över hela landet men gärna mer uppdrag i Skåne och Stockholm!

Wedding Coffeetablebook Design

>This weekend I’ve been madly working with photo editing and album design. Here are a few coffetablebook layouts from a Jessica and Magnus’s wedding this Summer! More will come soon!
Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! I helgen har jag designat lite album sidor med bilder av ett bröllop från i somras samt av min kille Oskar!

>Wilmer 6 months old!

>Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! Jag älskar även barn- och familjefotografering!

2 weeks ago Wilmer turned 6 months old. He is the baby of my good friend Eva-Lena who had asked me to photograph their little darling. Since it’s now December and gingerbread is a symbol of Christmas in Sweden, Wilmer started his shoot in a little gingerbread man (pepperkaksgubbe) outfit! Isn’t it sooo cute!

and sometimes only daddy cuddles will do…

and then mummy cuddles too…

and even family cuddles!

Eva-Lena loves the darker thick hair on the back of Wilmer’s head. Oskar had the same!

Wilmer can just about sit up by himself now! There is a topple to the side every once in a while but it won’t be long now untill he’ll be happily upright!

>Gift Certificates and the perfect Christmas present!


Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! Jag älskar barn- och familjefotografering! Denna gången visa jag bilder från min vardag med min lille kille! Kör ett presentkort till en fotosession hos mig! Det blir en perfekt julklapp!
It’s the time of year when you sit down for a nice quiet cup of tea and your mind wanders off to the topic of christmas presents and panic stikes!..well here’s a thought. How about giving a photo session for a Christmas present? This time next year with the pictures hanging on the wall your loved ones won’t have forgetten what you gave them because they’ll still be enjoying the perfect gift! You can give a gift cerificate for any amount or even a full package, just as you choose.

Did you have a shoot with me this year but wish you’d ordered a photobook or more prints? Then wish these things for yourself!!

Are you getting married next year? Then wish for gift certificates and use them to pay for your wedding photography!

Since a blog isn’t finished without a photo I thought I’d show a few that share my everyday life… pictures of Oksar! 12½ months!

He’s learnt to clap his hands and walks around very happy clapping away!

until he sees my camera and tries to get it himself!

He is usually seen with a telephone of some sort in his hands.. he knows where they all are! Recently though he likes to let me talk in the phone!

If he doesn’t have a telephone then he has a pen…and he won’t let go of it even if he’s playing with somthing else, such as the guitar hero!

And he loves to roll around and rub his face into our new fake fur blanket!

>Baby Peter: 6 months old!

>A little over a week ago I photographed part 2 of Peters first year! He is now 6 months old already! You may remember him from his 3 month shoot. Apart from being ALOT bigger now and having darker eyes, I don’t think he’s has changed all that much. He looks just his like his dad!

His mum just loves his chubby little feet and legs..aren’t they adorable?!

His latest feat is to chew on his toes!

We even managed a few minutes outside in the perfect light of overcast skies, even though it was the middle of November!

I just LOVE this photo! Perhaps it’s because I’m a mum too, but I just love to capture these little moments of mums and their babies! Perhaps I should have a post filled with such favourites?