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Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>Oliver: The full post!

>Last month I blogged a sneak peak of Oliver’s photo shoot. I’ve been so snowed under designing photobooks and albums for my families and wedding couples recently that this full post of Oliver has a taken a little longer than usual for me to blog. It’s been a tough balance at the moment with so much to do and so little time. This shoot was just sooo much fun. I just love this age because it’s all play! Well, here it comes at last…Oliver’s full post full of laughter! Even though I was tired as I sat editing these pictures I was left feeling totally happy afterwards!

>Autumn days with Oskar

>What a beautiful Autumn it’s been!

Since I am the one usually behind the camera there are not so many photos of Oskar and I together and even less of all three of us together. On top of that all of Oskars grandparents live FAR away! His Swedish half in Skåne and his English half in Germany and Kuwait! So, when my parents came to visit a couple of weeks ago I arranged for Juliana Wiklund (morethanwords.se) to photograph of my family. She took some absolutely wonderful photos of us all together which you can see on her blog here.

And on top of having such beautiful photos from Juliana, Olof and I were out for a walk today and Olof took my camera with wonderful results! (photos edited by me).

Chase me…chase me!

and a whole bunch more in this slideshow!

I’ll be putting these collections together to make a great big A3 calender soon and even a photo book just for me!…If I ever get the time!

Check out the calenders here at fotokalender.se

>Indoor family photography with Inca and Liv

>This weekend I had a family photo session with a lovely family. Unfortuantely it was pouring down with rain and since we had already rescheduled the shoot once before, we decided to go ahead and do the session indoors. I arrived armed with my bulky equipment made even bigger with my indoor lamp but I was VERY thankful I had it. It gets so dark so quickly now! By the time we finished our session it was pitch black outside!

Liv is just 13 months old and dashes around chasing her older sister at lightening speed! She’s such a cutie.

Inca is 10, stunning and so tall! She was almost as tall as me! Sweden next top model perhaps?!!

Inca was so lovely taking care and playing with her baby siter. She didn’t care one bit when Liv stuck her fingers in her eyes, or pulled her lips…

They are all so playful…

>Photobook design

>I’ve just finished another photobook design for a family in Skåne and thought I’d share it on the blog since so many readers seem to be interested! The book is 19 x 19 cm, is hardbacked and the cover is a lovely gloss photo!

Here’s the cover…

…and each page is a lay flat double spread. The borders are only here for the blog and are not part of the page designs.

>Oskar in the snow!

>Yesterday we had snow in Tullinge! I woke up and it was snowing…in October! It was the wet heavy snow that sticks to trees so it was so beautiful hanging on the autumnal leaves.
I just had to go out and play with Oskar in it and take my camera! He was very confused…”a snowball?..what am I supped to do with this?”

Anytime Portrait of Tie

>Being a photographer I am usally the one behind the camera and rarely in front of it. So it’s easy for me to complain about there being few decent photos of me!..although I am waiting for some shots taken of my family last week so I’m hoping my complaint will soon be solved!

Anyway, sometimes it’s nice to get some photos taken by yourself, for youself, for your facebook profile or even for someone special. Yesterday I photographed Tie just because. He’s such a laid back guy you wouldn’t believe he’s a Professor of Physics!

>Facebook contest winner! Farrah!

>In August I started my Facebook fanpage with a contest. I would draw a random name of all my fans at the end of August. When I mailed Farrah and told her she had won the prize and asked her if she would like the free photo shoot she was totally thrilled!! She told me how she’d been following my blog just wishing she could do a photo shoot with her little girl Jasmine! Well, this Sunday the session date finally arrived. We had a beautiful sunny morning but it freezing cold! Literally! It was 0 degree centigrade outside but we had such fun playing with the Autumn leaves that it took us a while before we really noticed the cold!

Here are some of my favourite shots of the session. Jasmine is such a beautiful, happy little girl and only 18 months old!..and what a beautiful name to match!

I’ve always reviewed, sorted and edited my photos using Adobe bridge and Photoshop CS4 but I’ve finally made the step of testing Adobe Lightroom and this shoot is my first one edited using this new software. So far I like it but there is still LOADS left to learn. One thing I love though is the slideshow functionality. So for those clients out there waiting to see pictures, it’ll be worth the wait…I promise!

>Oskar is walking!!!

>My little darling Oskar is walking!! Not just a couple of steps but suddenly across the room! He’s been taking a few steps here and there for about 2 weeks but suddenly today… he can walk for real! He is just sooo cute! ..and only just turned 11 months old! Go Oskar!

My parents are visiting us at the moment so it’s perfect timing for them…and for our family photo shoot tomorrow with Juliana Wiklund! I took these photos just a few minutes ago so this my quickest shoot-to-blog ever!

Oskars latest from his grandparents is a baby camera! (I know! So cool!)…and he just loves it!

Say, “Cheese!”

>Loving moment

>I’m busy these days photo CDs, prints, photobooks and albums but I still have a small mountain of client galleries to prepare. This morning I am working on Arvid’s gallery and I came across this beautiful moment which I thought just has to be shared!

>Photobook design layouts!

>I’ve had many customers and facebook fans ask me about my photobooks and page designs. So, I thought I’d share a few page layouts of books I’ve recently designed or ones I am just getting started on.

What I love about a photobook is the storyboard layout. A moment or incident is recorded in a series of photos rather than just a singel photo. I think it brings the whole memory to life for those who were there and makes a more vivid story for those who weren’t.

My photobooks are made using a single piece of photopaper to make a double page spread which allows me to design the layout with 1 giant photo over the spread since there is no loss of picture in the fold of the pages. It makes a really powerful impression!

I’ll try and post some more layouts in some of my blogs in the future!

Since I have a white background on my both my blog and page layouts it was tricky to show you how the photos are really arranged. So, I have framed each spread in my pictures here on the blog. The book pages do not actually have a frame around them!!

I hope you enjoy!