Just nu bokas hösten 2024 - Hör av dig så berätter jag mer!

Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>11 month old Kajsa and her chubby cheeks!

>Yesterday I had a photo session with Kajsa and her mum and dad at Tullinge Trädgårds Torp…my studio outdoors! It was so lovely watching them as a family through my lens. Kajsa was so calm and content..a result of being showered with love and attention. I think the pictures speak for themselves!

>Sneak Peak of Oliver 2½!

>Since I am snowed under with photo editing I have had to limit my new shoots to 1 per week for a few weeks while I catch up. Yesterday though, I broke my rule and had 2 sessions although I told my second family that they would have to wait a few weeks to see their pictures…but they were just so many great photos in their set I couldn’t resist editing a few already.

So Surpise!!!

Loads more photos will come in a couple of weeks.

>Vincent playing at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp!

>This weekend I met Vincent, 15 months, and his family at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp for an Autumn shoot. The day before the shoot it was 18 degrees and I thought, perfect! But come the day of the shoot, it was a chilly Autumn morning! Oh well, we can’t have it all! Vincent was a charm to photograph. When he laughs, his whole face really lights up! I had loads of fun following him play around the big park in front of the old houses, playing bubbles and running away from his parents! He certainly keeps them on their toes!

I just loved his little outfit. His jeans and shoes are so cool!

…such a cute family…

…and there are even more pictures in the slideshow!

>Autumn shooting vs family…


With my last Summer wedding done I can breathe out and say…What a year it’s been!

I’m actually on maternity leave and have my hands full with our little Oskar each day until about 6pm when Olof comes home from work. Only then can I get down to blogging, editing photos, creating client galleries or designing photobooks while also trying to share some family time before Oskar goes to bed! It’s a constant battle to balance family life and running/developing my business. I guess there are many out there who recognise this difficulty. It’s not made easier either by the fact that I’ve had far more clients this year than expected and that they nearly all want to upgrade their packages!! (Really, I’m not complaining!)

The result of all this though is that I’m constantly playing catch up! At least I have no more families waiting for blog pictures but now I’m playing catch up on the client gallery front..but I’m nearly done there too! And then I have a whole bunch of families and brides working on their picture selection so I have a HUGE amount of photo editing and album designing to do this Autumn. Which brings me to my dilemma… how many more bookings should I accept this Autumn?! I’ve been umming and aarhing for a few weeks over this topic and I’ve decided I’m going to limit my number of booking from now till Christmas. So, If you are thinking of booking me for a shoot before the end of the year you need to get in touch because I don’t have that many sessions left available!

Today, instead of working on a client gallery as I had planned I decided to take my camera into the garden and capture Oskar and his 2 front teeth! I’ve been trying to find time for this for about 3 weeks…and today was finally the day! It’s really quite a challenge trying to entertain him, stop him from eating grass and mud and shoot at the same time…all by myself!… but I managed to get a few..so here they come, our darling Oskar, the cutest baby in the world – 10 months old!

Malin + Gunnar + Landsort + gale force winds = stunning wedding portraits!

>I helgen var jag den lyckad bröllopsfotograf i Stockholms skärgård åt Malin och Gunnar!
I’ve been looking forward to shooting Malin and Gunnar all Summer long and got really nervous this week when the forecast for Landsort on Saturday changed twice per day! Showers, cloudy or rain, what would it be? I was a little nervous…but not Gunnar and Malin! “A little rain is nothing,” said the Swedish coast guard! Well, if you are happy to shoot in the rain then so am I!! …and we did.
At first it was just spitting a little so the shelter of overhanging roof tops kept Malin and Gunnar pretty dry…and then the umbrellas came out…

…and then…well, the 15 m/s (roughly 40 mph) gale force winds and Forest Gumps ‘sideways’ rain came in straight off the sea…just before we planned to take the panaoramic shots on the clifffs by the sea… run!! We took shelter in a grimy workshop to wait it out . (Big thanks to Sjöfartsverket/Swedish Marine Authority for opening up for us!) But the wind and rain just didn’t stop! So, we carried on inside and got some stunning shots. I think you have agree! I just followed the light and my job was super easy because Malin and Gunnar are so beautiful and just radiate happiness! They rocked!

Eventually, the weather calmed a little and we could brave the outdoors with the wind and rain, that just fell from above, to climb over slippery rocks and get the shot in front of Landsorts lighthouse! Yes! We got there in the end!

As I packed up my things to leave the island I was left feeling happy. I knew I had taken some great shots and the skies were clearing up. I could even see a patch of blue which meant Malin and Gunnar could have their wedding in front of the lighthouse afterall! Perfect!

Thanks Malin and Gunnar for choosing me to document your day! I loved every second! Congratulations again!

p.s. I just have to add this one personal shot! The afternoon before the wedding I walked around the island looking for locations and found this spot filled with loads of fishing gear and thought it’d be perfect! But… just as I started shooting this location with Malin and Gunnar, the skies opened for real and we ran like the wind!…but at least I got this beautiful shot of my favourite boys!!

Wedding portrait workshop with Juliana Wiklund

>About 2 weeks ago I attended a workshop with a whole bunch of lovely wedding photographers in Stockhom. It was arranged by the wonderful Juliana of More Than Words. Juliana shared her tips and secrets on reaction shooting techniques using one of her previous customers as our wedding couple.
I had Oskar strapped to by belly in a baby björn so I didn’t get to shoot much, just watch, listen, learn and chat…a few snaps I managed to get anyway…
Big thanks to Juliana, Madley and Henrik!

I love the light in this one…

>Arvid – 9 months

>One of the great things about being a photographer is meeting so many new people. And it’s not like meeting new people at work or through friends because my new people always come to me full of excitement and throughout their session they laugh and have fun and I get to see the best side of everybody! It’s great! But then sometimes I get to photograph people I already know, my friends which is even better… but much more nerve racking! I did this shoot of Maira, Henrik and baby Arvid 3 weeks ago just before my trip to Skåne so they are surely desperate to see their pictures! So, here are some of my favourites!

..and isn’t this just the most determined to walk baby you’ve ever seen?!

>Luke 19 months!

>So, the last, but not least, of my Skåne families! Luke and his parents had such fun in the garden playing with bubbles, picking and eating berries and playing tickles… Luke is ticklish! His parents shower him with so much love there was no shortage of kisses and cuddles. It’s beautiful to watch… but looking back through the photos I saw mostly laughter! Here are some of my favourites!

Amalia and Ivan: the FULL post!

>I helgen var jag den lyckad bröllopsfotograf i Stockholmt Amalia och Ivan!
I took 2537 photos yesterday so it’s been a real challenge to pick out 10-20 for this blog post!…so… I didn’t! Here come LOADS which I think reflect Amalia and Ivan both as a couple and of their day!

We took a whole variety of shots for the engagement session a few weeks ago and had a great time. Afterwards they said how they liked the natural reportage style more than the soppy mushy style so that’s exactly what we did yesterday. Well, that plus a few old fashioned serious faced couple shots!

Our day started at their home where I followed Amalias transition from every day girl on Söder to a fabulous bride fit for a grand wedding! Afterwards we met Ivan outside the church for their ‘first look’ before the ceremony. Ivan was so emotional during the ceremony he got my tears going too!

Here are a few favourites followed by a slideshow with a whole lot more!!

The portraits were taken on Södermalm and we got into the swing of things with a little surprise! Amalia had mentioned that one of their favourite movies was Du Levande (you, the living) so I googled a bit and found a perfectly appropriate wedding scene acted out to beautiful guitar music. With a little help from You Tube they enjoyed 5 minutes emotional relaxation while my assistant, Louise, and I started the shoot!

…and here comes the slideshow with all of 69 photos! A Huge thanks to Amalia and Ivan for choosing me to document your special day and thanks Louise for being a great assistant! It was great to have you there.

Dearest Amalia and Ivan

>Here is a very quick sneak peak of Amalia and Ivan, the latest newly weds! More will come in a day or two once I’ve had a chance to look through all of the 2000+ photos!