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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>Megan 7, Tom 6 and Ty 2!

>I met this family when I was last in Skåne and what a family! They all played so well together and Megan and Tom seem to have a real friendship. Tom looks up to his big sister and she takes good care of him just the way we parents would hope! I hope that Jo and Lawrence think the wait for this blog has been worth it… I think there are some real gems here!

>America meets Sweden!

>I was recently down in Skåne visiting family so a few families took the chance to book me. I had a crazy afternoon in Krågeholm shooting no less than 7 children! I was exhausted afterwards!! My first shoot was of Andrea and her 3 kiddies, Filippa 2½ and twins Markus and Rebecka 1.

Markus is so like his dad and Rebecka is a spitting image of her mum! It’s quite uncanny! Something all the children had in common though was really bright eyes! Stunning!

We added a quick session the day after when dad Per was home from working abroad and could also join in. We had plenty of fun playing in their garden under the fruit trees and on the swing. Markus though, I could barely keep up with… but Fillipa was a natural, she speaks with her eyes!

So, here comes an even longer blog than yesterday…but then, it is a family of 5! I hope you like these shots Andrea!

>America meets Sweden!

>I was recently down in Skåne visiting family so a few families took the chance to book me. I had a crazy afternoon in Krågeholm shooting no less than 7 children! I was exhausted afterwards!! My first shoot was of Andrea and her 3 kiddies, Filippa 2½ and twins Markus and Rebecka 1.

Markus is so like his dad and Rebecka is a spitting image of her mum! It’s quite uncanny! Something all the children had in common though was really bright eyes! Stunning!

We added a quick session the day after when dad Per was home from working abroad and could also join in. We had plenty of fun playing in their garden under the fruit trees and on the swing. Markus though, I could barely keep up with… but Fillipa was a natural, she speaks with her eyes!

So, here comes an even longer blog than yesterday…but then, it is a family of 5! I hope you like these shots Andrea!

>Baby Peter: 3 months old!

>2 weeks ago I met this really beautiful family from America. We had the perfect overcast weather for an outdoor shoot… until it rained and we took shelter under the awning in my garden!

Peter is compeltely showered with love. It’s not often you meet a family who share their love so openly..it made my job so easy! I could just focus on capturing all those precious moments that they and their families so far away will treasure. Even looking through the photos today to prepare this blog recalled the feeling of this shoot! I love it when that happens!

So here comes probably the longest family blog entry ever! There were just too many wonderful shots to choose from!

I have a crazy week coming up with a backlog of family shoots to edit and blog and a wedding next weekend. I am aiming for 1 family blog per day so lets see if I can manage it!

It’s just a day or 2 left before I’ll be drawing a lottery for a free Autumn shoot of all my facebook fans. Not a fan yet? Click on ‘like’ after clicking here! The winner will receive a free 45 minute shoot in Tullinge this Autumn with 12 high resolution photos, if you don’t fancy being in front of the camera then give the prize away to someone who will!

>Oskar crawling!

>So Oskar has been creeping around the floor for a few months now. he drags himself along on his belly using his left elbow and right hand. It’s really quite cute… and he’s been learning to walk since midsummer too. He walks along the furniture like a pro now! So I really didn’t expect him to crawl in the traditional sense… but look at him now!

The toy he playing with is an indoor hockey ball. The cheapest and most loved toy at the moment!…oh yeah and if you think he looks different from the post last week it’s because I gave him his first official haircut and chopped an inch off the length on top!

>Albums and Photobooks

>I’ve been getting a few questions about my albums recently so I thought it was a about time to share some pictures! I currently offer essentially 2 different products. Both are beautiful and have a feeling of luxury in different ways.

My newest product is the Saal photobook which I love! I just got my sample copy so it’s available to get your paws on whenever you want! I reccomend the 19 x 19 cm for my family and chidren shoots. The book is custom made and the layout designed based on your selection of photos. The minimum number if pages is 22 (or 11 double spreads) but there is essentially no limit!

The book has a lovely glossy cover, pretty much as you have seen before…but then you open the book and then you see why it is special. The pages are extra thick and the pictures jump out at you unlike the highstreet photobook you can buy and that because these books are made with REAL photopaper!

The book lays completely flat so that no part of a picture is lost in the seam of the book like ordinary books. This allows me to design the book with large pictures across the double spread. It looks great! Once my little Oskar turns 1 I’ll be designing a book of photos of his first year! I can’t wait!

I’ll be offering 28 x 28 cm versions of this book which will be perfect for my wedding couples. With the unlimited number of pages available I can design a book to tell the story of your entire day, or as much of it as I am present!

I also offer a traditional album for my family and children shoots which are really luxurious. Each album comes in it’s own case and has 12 pages. These are leather look and are 11 x 11 cm. There is 1 picture per page mounted in a quadratic frame. Each page is really thick and durable that even the young children themselves could thumb through them without being able to bend the pages.

I also offer similar albums in a larger 17 x 17 cm format with 24 pages which are prefect for my wedding couples. The smaller ones I think make perfect thank-you presents for the parents!

I’ll be putting together a new family photography package in the coming days with the new photobook so keep an eye out. For those of you who are currently choosing your photos and you want around 25 photos then the photobook would be the perfect way to present them so send me an email or give a call for prices.

Robert and Annette Married in Huddinge!

>What a day?! Despite the tunder and rain Annette and Robert had a pefect wedding in Huddinge this afternoon. They were so overwhelmed and nervous, I could see hands shaking in the church but they relaxed in time for their portraits after the ceremony. I guess all the laughter and hugs outside the church really helped! It was probably the quickest portrait session ever with only 35 minutes but I think we got some lovely shots in the end! Congratulations again Annette and Robert!

I LOVE these red shoes!!

Good job I carry a special brolly with my camera equipment for days like today!

>Amalia and Ivan: soon to be married!

>Amalia and Ivan are getting married in a few weeks time and I’m really looking forward to shooting their big day! They are a couple so at ease with eachother, few words but are needed… the way they look at each other says it all!..and the dancing…wow, do they know how to dance?!

Here’s a few of my favourites from their enagagement session in Stockholm earlier this evening!

>Oskar 9 months today!!

>9 months ago today our little Oskar was born… how times flies!

Today Oskar had a check up at the health clinic and he is now a whopping 7870 grams and is 71.1 cm long!!

So, in honour of this special day here comes a whole selection of photos of Oskar taken over the Summer. I’ve hardly had any time for personal photography (due to too many clients!!) so these pictures go back to May… but we’ll start with the ones I snapped quickly in the garden this afternoon showing all his expressions and his love of clambering!

and look at his cute dimples!!

no more mummy!

Look at me, I’m walking!!!

yum yum!

His own disused mobile phone ready for eating!

I’m just sooo good looking with my bedtime hairdo…don’t you think?!


OOoohh… I love to pull daddy’s hair!

…and I can blow bubbles!

They made me bathe in this at the Summer house!

…Cool auntie Stina wrote me my own book and had it printed!!

..and I could charm even the old ladies in Italy!

..and swimming in the pool evert afternoon with daddy was brilliant!

and walking up high here with mummy!

and Juliana took these of mummy and me way back in May!..look how short my hair was then!

>Jimmy, Sydney, Scarlet and her belly of twins!

>Scarlett had booked me back in May to take some family shots and I was thrilled! I had met Scarlet and Sydney last year on photo shoot with morethanwords for a Semper campaign and remembered Sydney’s stunning blue eyes!..Then Scarlet said, and I’m pregnant, with twins! Lets book the shoot early then!… So, yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing Scarlet at 28 weeks pregnant with her husband and 19 month old little girl…and what a lovely family! They are so playful and happy and all excited about the two little babies in Scarlets tummy! Sydney is so cute when she kisses the babies! So much love in the air!

I have soooo many bookings coming up in the next 2 weeks so this is probably my last long blog for a while. I’ll do my best though to keep the blogs coming in this busy period!