Just nu bokas hösten 2024 - Hör av dig så berätter jag mer!

Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>Eva-Lena 32 weeks pregnant

>Eva-Lena is my dearest Swedish friend. In fact she was a bridesmaid when I got married! When she told me she pregnant I was thrilled since there’ll only be a 6 month gap between our little ones. Of course I had to offer to take her pregnancy shots for her. I had hoped for an outdoor shoot but the weather wasn’t so great but we got some lovely shots from her balcony! Eva-Lena is so photogenic and looks great in every shot I think!

>Oskar 4 months!

>This is probably my favourite shot of the year!

Today marks 4 whole months since our lovely Oskar was born so new pictures are in order! He’s such a delight and I can’t imagine my life without him. He laughs out loud and giggles and he just melts my heart!

Life is so perfect!

By the way, what do you think of the new blog and website design?

>Anne and Henri part 2


So here is part 2 of Anne and Henri’s wedding photos! I just love black and white photos and since this day was shot in the photojournalistic style I thought it was rather appropriate to blog (almost) entirely black and white shots! A huge thanks to Juliana once again for asking me to assist. This day was a real challenge of speed and light. Big congrats to Anne and Henri!

this lovely light affect is not shooting into the light but an effect of the lens steaming up after coming inside from the -12 degree cold outside!

Anne is so fotogenic and looked great from every angle but this shot is probably my favourite.

Anne and henri have 2 kids, Ella and Ellis and they were both sooo cute!

Here’s a few shots from their almost lightening quick ceremony at the town hall.

…and I just couldn’t resist sharing these colour photos taken at the Grand Hotel…

>Sneak Preview: Wedding of Anne and Henri

>Anne and Henri were married this afternoon at Stockholm Town Hall. I followed Juliana Wiklund of Morethanwords again for more inspiration and expert tips of the trade! First we took some reportage couple shots in one of their favourite cafe’s on Södermalm…Copacabana on Horntull Strand. Afterwards we went to the Grand Hotel where Anne and Henri will spend their wedding night and we met up with some of their friends and their beautiful daughter Ella.

More shots will come soon!

>Sneak Preview: Wedding of Anne and Henri

>Anne and Henri were married this afternoon at Stockholm Town Hall. I followed Juliana Wiklund of Morethanwords again for more inspiration and expert tips of the trade! First we took some reportage couple shots in one of their favourite cafe’s on Södermalm…Copacabana on Horntull Strand. Afterwards we went to the Grand Hotel where Anne and Henri will spend their wedding night and we met up with some of their friends and their beautiful daughter Ella.

More shots will come soon!

>Hanna and Ingemar’s ceremony and snow!

>As promised here comes the rest of a very long review of Hanna and Ingemar’s wedding. The church was wonderful. So bright, a long aisle, fantastic organ, exquisite chandeliers and that lovely corridor of stained glass windows seen in their portraits.

The shoot started with a ‘first look’ staged by Juliana which almost went wrong but worked wonderfully in the end!

Hanna had fixed the most wonderful floral and candel arrangement leading up the alter with flowers of muted tones to match her bouquet.

>Oskar’s 3 month checkup

>Oskar turned 3 months on friday and yesterday he had his 3 month check up. He’s now all of 6 kg which means he’s doubled his lowest weight and he is just a snippet under 61 cm long! Time flies by so fast. What happened to my tiny baby? He’s dissapeared and turned into a cute little boy! He’s making such big steps at the moment and his daily tummy time has turned into something he now enjoys and is quite a master a holding up his own head!… the small things we mothers find achievements are quite silly really when I think back to the time before Oskar!

>Wedding of Hanna and Ingemar

>Today I had the pleasure to assist Juliana Wiklund of morethanwords.se to shoot a wedding. Something I haven’t done since last Summer! What a great day!

Today is the day to make the big step into marriage for Ingemar and Hanna. Although they themselves said that it felt like a natural step and was really not a big deal! They are two very cool cucumbers, very much in love. And today is Ingemar’s birthday so it’s double congratulations!

Today was also a big step for me… I went somewhere without Oskar for the first time! I left him at home with his dad and my mum. I cried for about 10 minutes after I left home but as soon as I got busy at the shoot I was fine…although I was extra emotional and was brought to tears on more than one occasion!

Here are some shots taken during the portrait session. I made today an extra challenge for myself…1 camera and 1 lens! I of course took my new D700 and my 50 mm f1.4. It was a real challenge of composition to work without a zoom lens but I really enjoyed it and think the results speak for themselves. More shots will follow later in the week of shots taken during the ceremony and out in the snow!..yes Hanna was brave and ventured out into the blustery cold snow!