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Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>Baby Linn 3 months old

>Today I got the chance to take a few quick snaps of lovely Linn with my new camera and lens. She is the daughter of a new friend, actually the granddaughter of my neighour. Linn was born the same week as our Oskar so I guess she’s going to be one of Oskars friends!

>Finally.. the D700!

>So I took the plunge and bought the Nikon D700 and a new lens too..the 50mmm f1.4. Here’s one of my very first images…of Oskar of course, taken indoors with no extra light source, far from any window using ISO 1250, f3.2, 1/50s.

Oskar is such a cutie when he pulls his lips tight like this!

I’m so thrilled that I can raise the ISO so high without losing image quality…what a difference!… and the colours… wonderful! Loving it! I can’t wait to test this at a wedding this weekend!

Published RSF Årsbok 2009 – a moment caught

>I entered this photo in a competition last year and it was selected for the RIFO 2009 digital forum (digitalsolongen) exhibition. Now, this weekend I discovered that the photo was selected amoungst the best 90 photos taken by RSF members during the year and is now published in the 2009 year book! how thrilled am I! I’m now awaiting for my copy of the book to arrive…

Oddly enough this bride contacted me again before Christmas asking for a high res version of this shot so that she could print it for her mother and grandmother as a christmas present!…seems it was an all round appreciated photo.

It’s interesting to look back at old photos and see how I’ve developed as a photographer. The moment in this shot is what’s important but had I seen it now I think I might have composed the shot a little differently and I’d certainly have edited it differently. But that doesn’t matter, the photo was a sucess and everybody is happy.

>Oskar and I

>So, it’s probably about time there was a photo of Oskar with me on my blog so here are a couple taken this afternoon by my husband and edited by me.

…and I just have to add this one of Oskar laughing as I tickle him!

>Elated Elina

>3 months old Elina is just 5.5 kg but she is already larger than life! Her personalty shines even though she is so young. She loves to play and babble to everything and everyone around her. Her big eyes make her really photogenic!

>Oskars 2 month birthday!

>To document Oskars 2 month birthday here are some up to date photos! He’s so lively nowadays, focussing and checking out everything around him with lots of new expressions.

…and look at Oskars lovely long eyelashes…

…and his cute chubby feet!

>More about Oskar!

>My lovely little Oskar is growing so fast! He was born 49cm long and weighed 3.3kg. He dropped to 3 kg during the first 3 days but now 7 weeks later he’s put on 1.8kg och grown 7cm! He is changing so much. During the first week or so he slept ALL the time. Now he’s so alert looking all around, making eye contact and smiling directly at us! He’s even started cooing! Here a couple of recent photos of our beautiful Oskar!

Even when he’s crying he’s cute!

>Walking in Tullinge

>What a lovely day it was today! I took a walk in Tullinge this afternoon with my family and had to take my camera with me. We ended up behind Tullinge church where we had our pregnancy shoot which brought back memories! Now we were there again just 2 months later, me 13 kg lighter and with little Oskar! Here are a few shots of the winter landscape.

Post processing wise I’ve made use of some great Kubota Actions that my lovely husband gave me for christmas… so here’s a shot of you too!