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Author Archives: terrilindholm

>Latest Lindholm family member – Oskar!

>Oskar was born on the 12th November so he is now just over 1 month old. He was born a little early but had a good weight at 3290 grams and 49 cm long! 1 month later he is now 54.5cm long and weighs a whopping 4410 grams!

Naturally his dad and I think he is the most beautiful baby ever, but you can judge for yourself with these photos. I haven’t had much time for real photography so these quick snaps will have to do.

1 day old with pappa.

1 month old and 5 minutes with my ‘real’ camera, a white sheet, a mini santa hat and a christmas snow globe…

My blog is likely to be rather uneventful these coming months with a few updates of Oskar while I enjoy my maternity leave.

>Pregnancy shoot… of ME!

>Being pregnant was such a magical time in my life. My husband and I had wanted a baby for a long time and we were finally expecting it was a dream come true. We felt so close and excited and happy that we just had to get this time captured on camera. We wanted pictures to show how we felt, our closeness to eachother and our growing baby. And we are so glad we did! We trusted Juliana Wiklund of morethanwords to shoot this special time and we are thrilled with the result!

These shots were taken late October when I was 34 weeks pregnant which turned out to be just three weeks before our little darling made his early entrance into our world.

and a few more in this slideshow…

Thanks so much Juliana!

>Carolin & Christian’s Wedding Day!

>Yesterday was the big day for Carolin and Christian who got married in Sundbyberg. Their portrait session was shot around the church grounds before the ceremony. I had a great time photographing them becasue they both exuded love and affection. There are so many lovely shots with love in their eyes that it’s been tough to decide which images to process first! Here’s the sneak preview anyway!

>Carolin & Christian’s Wedding Day!

>Yesterday was the big day for Carolin and Christian who got married in Sundbyberg. Their portrait session was shot around the church grounds before the ceremony. I had a great time photographing them becasue they both exuded love and affection. There are so many lovely shots with love in their eyes that it’s been tough to decide which images to process first! Here’s the sneak preview anyway!

>Carolin and Christian get married today!

>Today I get the pleasure of photographing Carolin and Christian’s wedding. Since I stepped in to cover another photographer who couldn’t make it, I didn’t get the opportunity for a real engagement photo shoot but we managed 5 minutes in my garden when we met last week! I thought I’d share this shot since Caroline’s eyes are so stunning! I can only imagine how she’s going to look today with the wedding glow in her eyes when she gets to see her husband to be for the first look!

>Semper 19/08

>Juliana of MoreThanWords had the job on wednesday to photograph 15 babies for Semper’s image bank. Lucky me was asked if I wanted to come along and see how she works and lend a helping hand when required! Of course I took my camera and was asked to get some shots of Juliana in action and some gerenal reportage/what’s happening type photos.

I even managed to snap few baby shots of my own. They were all so cute. I can’t wait until November when our little boy makes his appearance in the world!

It was a quite fun watching Juliana trying to capture the babies feeding themselves… such a mess!

>Sarah and Tom’s Wedding day

>I shot Sarah and Tom’s engagement back in April and have I’ve really been looking forward to this day since I’d get to work in my own language, English! Thanks so much for choosing me to share your day with you. As the photographer we probably get to spend the most time with the wedding couple on their big day which basically means hours of guarenteed laughter and happiness!

The ceremony was at Orkesta Kyrka in Vallentuna. It is a small and charming church is one of the oldest churches in Sweden dating back to the 1100’s! Here comes the first selection of ceremony reportage and portraits from yesterday.

>Anneli and Jens

>Saturday 23rd May was the big day for Anneli and Jens! I had the good fortune to assist Juliana Wiklund photographing Anneli and Jens’s portrait session and wedding ceremony in Vingåker. It was a beautiful personal ceremony which meant I cried!..but only a bit! Here come a few of my first developed shots…

And last but not least, a fun shot of Juliana in action capturing the beautiful bridal couple. Check out Juliana’s blog for even more fabulous shots of beautiful Anneli and Jens! http://www.morethanwords.se/blog/