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Author Archives: terrilindholm

SM porträttfotografi

Hur ska jag börja? Denna helg var makalös. Det var dags för SM i porträttfotografi. Jag får nog fortsätta på engelska då jag har så mycket att säga och det kommer ta för lång tid att skriva på svenska! ;D

This weekend started with the train ride to Göteborg. I remember the same trip last year, I was nervous about my leaving my kids for more than a night (they were then almost 2 and 4). I had mixed feelings of guilt and excitement. This year I was going to be away an extra night because I even had a course to go to in connection with this years SFG autumn meeting – conference and SM-competition. But you know what? I couldn’t wait! It’s the highlight of the year for me work-wise! I knew my kids would have a great time this weekend at home with Olof and their grandparents, who came to visit all the way from Skåne to lend a hand. I know, we’re lucky! day 1 was a course about digital printing, paper choices and techniques and was mostly a confirmation of what I’ve taught myself with the help of others over the past 2 years of printing, but a few small tips and tricks I think will make a big difference to my black and white printing! I can’t wait to get started to looking into that in more detail. That evening was the open jury review of the SM entries. It was 5 hours of listening to 3 fabulous judges from Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. They know their stuff. I waiting nervously as they approved or knocked out the entries in each category. 5 of my 6 entries went through to the final round which would occur behind closed doors… I was thrilled! 5 of my 6 entries, all portraits delivered to clients were of significant standard to be considered more closely.  I didn’t sleep so well that night. I had images, critiques and ideas flying though my head. The weekend followed with inspiring seminars and mini-lighting workshops from some of Sweden’s most talented photographers. Sunday evening it was the gala-dinner and the prize presentation…. I was particularly nervous because I had won the silver medal last year in the childrens category and felt like I needed to prove it wasn’t luck!  But this year I felt the standard of entries was much higher than last year. It was tough competition!  Category after category I waited nervously wondering if my name would be called… and it was! BRONZE in the family/group category for my lifestyle portrait of a beautiful family on a beach… I love this image so I feel very proud!

familjefotografering på stranden, syskonfotografering i studio, barnfotografering, familjefoto, barnfoto, fotograf stockholm

The next day the Norwegian judge Trini Sundli selected a few images to discuss. Portraits that were considered but not given award. I was so very happy to see she had picked 3 of my images! She said how wonderful they were and that with just a few small minor adjustments the scoring would have resulted in award….and you know what? I agreed with her 100%… I’m going to make the changes to the images and then I’ll post before and after here! I’m feeling great that my overall standard of work is so high and I just hope that by this next year I’ve managed to train my own eye to see what’s needed to make each and every one of my portraits the best they can be.

1-årsfotografering i studion – cake smash!

När bin bebis fyller 1 år och går från bebis till barn så kan man ta verkligen speciala bilder…. med en tårta! En cake-smash är något som har blivit rätt så vanligt i USA och kommer nog ta faste här i Sverige. Jag har ett samarbete med en lokal tårtbakare som kan göra din tårta efter dina önskemål!

1-årsfoto, bebisfoto stockholm, huddinge, tullinge. 1 årig bebis äta tårta för första gången.


I loved this session, a cake smash, with this adorable little girl on her first birthday! Of course you don’t need to do this on the actual birthday, why not a few weeks beforehand and use the pictures for the birthday party invitation or the thank you cards!


Road trip and 2013 favourites

This past week I’ve been away in Norway holding seminars on family photography and running a portrait studio with the Lundeby Vinterseminarium. It’s been a full week with each day looking like this: I woke up between 7 and 8am naturally, no alarm, and no kids after sleeping through the whole night! I ate a cooked breakfast everyday in the hotel restaurant, usually in the company of Tomin, my fellow presenter for the tour, and then I took a stroll over to the conference facility where I’ve spent each day meeting fellow portrait photographers. My seminar was after lunch each day and was split into two 1-hour sessions… rocket speed! I had originally planned for 3 hours and after the content had gone out to everyone I felt like I couldn’t cut any material! At the end of the day I spoke with lines of photographers, giving advice on everything from which lenses I photograph with, studio props and budgeting. When questions were over I packed up the exhibition of framed portraits and albums with the rest of the Lundeby team and we piled into the minibuss for an evening on the road. We invariably arrived at our destination between 11pm and 12am and the’d we’d check into our respective rooms and then meet in the conference rooms to set up the exhibition for the next day. It’s not as dull as it sounds…there were beers to be drunk and songs to be sung! I’d generally fall into bed around 1am and fall asleep in an instant. (Thanks to the fabulous Tomin Meling for the photo of me during the final session of the week in Oslo.)These photos are all taken and edited on my iphone.

Last week we did 6 cities in Norway over 7 days. We were in Trondheim, Ålesund, then spent 1 day travelling from Ålesund to Bergen on the Hurtigruten cruise ship which, apart from the rough seas overnight, was amazing! Then After Bergen, Sandnes, Kristiansand and finally Oslo. I came home on Thursday evening, laning at Arlanda where Olof picked me up with Oskar who ran up and gave me the biggest hug ever…and a small tear fell down my cheek…aaahh…

Anyway, It’s Sunday now and tomorrow I start the Swedish leg of the tour in Uppsala…Sweden, here we come!

During my presentations I’ve of course shared a selection of my work, including this slideshow with some of my favourite portraits taken in the studio.

SM Silver Medal

This week I entered a few photographs into the Swedish Championships for Portrait Photography (SM Porträttfotografi). It was a little stressful at the last minute printing my FineArt prints, and mounting them, packing them to be posted. They had to be mounted 40x50cm prints with only a 3mm tolerance and arrive without damage. hmm… ok. So that all went well in the end if at the last minute. Then off to Särö I went for this years Svenska FotoGrupps annual meeting and seminar days. The first evening started out with listing the 3 judges comments on many of this years entries. The judges were from Swedish, Denmark and Norway, They are all truly brilliant photographers with many years experience and really and inspiration. It was a very rich evening and fun too since 2 of my 5 portraits went through to the ‘final’ which would then go ahead behind closed doors. I had a great time meeting so many other lovely portrait photographers. We could indulge in talking photography and business for essentially 3 whole days! On the last night it was the conference dinner and the  results were announced. I didn’t have much hope but of course a little excitement was there in my belly….and then they called my name for the Silver medal in Children s portraits! OMG! I went up with shaky hands, cried out, “fy” and accepted my medal. I’ve been running my business for a few years now but this year took the step, as you’ve all read to focus wholly on photography and opened my studio in Tullinge. It may only be an SM Silver medal (i didn’t win the total competition over all 6 categories or anything) but it’s  a great confirmation that following my heart was the right thing to do, and believing in myself wasn’t completely unfounded. So I wont be translating this text to Swedish this time since I think it’s better to express these feelings in my language… I hope my Swedish readers can forgive me…

So, the Silver medal photograph…

SM foto, SM Porträttfoto, barnfoto SM, barnfotograf stockholm, fotograf tullinge