SM Porträttfotografi 2016

This years SM was a blast! After lasts years success I was a little nervous…what if I flop?! I entered images that I had invested alot in; of myself  and my time. The images were part of a larger series taken for a qualification I’ll be applying for this autumn.

Well… how did I do? 5th place overall! I had 2 images scoring 88 points (silver awards), 1 scoring 80 (bronze award) and 1 scoring 76 (honourary mention award). I was just stunned to see 4 of my 6 images hanging in the winners exhibition. (My other 2 images scroed 73 and 74 – acceptable competition quality but under awards level).

It’s a funny thing – compeiting with portraits…but not really. The competition is judged by a panel of 5 international judges and they are looking for control in lighting, editing, printing, contact with the subject etc. There is of course a subjective element, that of impact – is the image striking? That is why there are 5 judges, becasue we all appreciate differnt things. I look forward to doing a course and judging myself in the future!

Anyway, enough rambling… here they are!

barnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photography

barnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybabyfotografering, barnfoto, fotograf stockholm