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Foto till CV eller LinkedIn

LinkedIn foto, CVfoto, headshot
CV foto för LinkedIn

Nuförtiden behöver vi alla ett par bra bilder av oss själva – en profilbild för en CV eller LinkedIn kanske, eller bilder för din ny hemsidan till ditt företag. Det är viktigt att du känner igen dig själv och samtidigt visa din bästa sida på dina porträttfoton. Dina bilder ska förmedla trovärdighet och visa det du vill sälja. Det är viktigt att din uttryck, kroppsspråk och även ljuset stämma med det du vill förmedla.

Jag kan hjälpa dig att synas med professionella och samtidigt personliga bilder. Jag kan fotografera dig mot det stilrena vita bakgrunden eller mot grå eller svart, i miljön hos er, ute i staden eller naturen.

Bilderna kan du använda på så många sett: till LinkedIn, CV, facebook, hemsidor, årsredovisningar, broschyrer, visitkort och annan marknadsföringsmaterial.

Ring mig för att boka en stund i studion eller om du vill ha en offert för mig att åker ut till din arbetsplats.


CV foto i halvkropp med avslappnad posering
Utomhus personalfoto för hemsidan
CV foto för presentationer


…continuing with the live sessions I did on stage in Finland… I also had a family with 3 teenagers to photograph. It was just such fun and I just love the tougher lighting I could use with the old ‘kids’. I took some cool shots for the teenagers and some more traditional for the parents 🙂 so…more teenagers in the studio please!!

tonåringar, ungdomar, porträttfoto, syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfototonåringar, ungdomar, porträttfoto, syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfoto


Teaching in Finland

As an Elinchrom ambassador I was asked to travel to Lahti in Finand and talk about childrens and family photography. At first I thought it was a 2 hour seminar but then I found out it was 2 days and they wanted 2 live family sessions – on stage – in front of 50 photographers! Nervous?…YES! But it was great fun! Here’s a few of my favourites! I posted a few behind the scenes on my facebook page is you are interested 🙂 For the photographers reading – the backgroud I used here on stage is a new ones from lastolite – it was really nice, especially shooting at a short depth of field witht eh portraits.

syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfoto




Stockholm Fotomässa

I’ve realised that I have lot of news from the past year that I had not posted, so I thought I’d write a few posts and catch up! It’s almost a year ago since Stockholms last Fotomässa at Älvsjö. I was working on the Aifo stand as an Elinchrom ambassador doing live childrens sessions! It was quite an experience, but so much fun. This was my second year doing live demos at Fotomässan actually. This year there is no Fotomässan but it will be in march 2018 instead… maybe I’ll see you there!

I thought I’d share some of the resulting pictures of my beautiful model. I was shooting using one of the new Lastolite foldable backgrounds and an Elinchrom ELC 500 eith 120 cm litemotive . It was really nice!

stockholm fotomässan, fotograf stockholm, barnfotograf stockholm., elinchromstockholm fotomässan, fotograf stockholm, barnfotograf stockholm., elinchrom




Finalist in European Portrait Photographer of the Year

In January I found out I was a finalist in the Federation of European Photographers of the Year competition… me! I was thrilled! So, In april I went down to the awards ceremony in Italy to receive my certificate. I awarded a Merit award for one of my portraits and 7 th place in total in the portrait category which sums my 3 highest scoring pictures. I was also there for the FEP AGM – I was there as Swedens representative.  My Olof joined me for the trip and we spent some lovely days around Catania, Sicily. We even took a trip up to mount Etna… it was particularly active just then so we got to see a real lava flow and I actually melted the sole of my shoe!

fotograf stockholm, catania, italy,


Interviewed by Aifo

I am an ambassador for Elinchrom. Its the brand of my flashes. Basically it means I help out at trade shows doing some demonstrations or just helping my collegues out and talking openly about my experience with their equipment. Last year, Aifo interviewed me in this role so I thought I’d share the video here 🙂 I talk about why I use Elinchrom in my studio and a little about some of my favourite pictures and how I’ve lit them.


Qualified European Photographer (QEP)

I’m now one of only 3 people to hold this titel in Sweden! Terri Lindholm, QEP… thats sounds nice 🙂

This year I’ve been working on a longer project for a qualification panel. The QEP certification is issued by the European Federation of Photographers and is very highly regarded. It certifies an excellant level of professional photography demonstrating appropriate and controlled use of lighting, posing, editing, retouching and printing. It is judged by 5 international judges. The mounted prints (40×50 cm in my case) are sent to a location in Europe, this time it was Amsterdamn. Each picture is judges and then the series as a whole. 12 portraits. …well I passed with flying colours with all 5 judges voting yes!

One of the judges at this years SM was there (not judging, just helping out with logistics) and she recognised my panel and sent loads of pictures for me taken from behind the scenes! I’ve put them together in this 1½ minute video which ends with the 12 portraits.


SM Porträttfotografi 2016

This years SM was a blast! After lasts years success I was a little nervous…what if I flop?! I entered images that I had invested alot in; of myself  and my time. The images were part of a larger series taken for a qualification I’ll be applying for this autumn.

Well… how did I do? 5th place overall! I had 2 images scoring 88 points (silver awards), 1 scoring 80 (bronze award) and 1 scoring 76 (honourary mention award). I was just stunned to see 4 of my 6 images hanging in the winners exhibition. (My other 2 images scroed 73 and 74 – acceptable competition quality but under awards level).

It’s a funny thing – compeiting with portraits…but not really. The competition is judged by a panel of 5 international judges and they are looking for control in lighting, editing, printing, contact with the subject etc. There is of course a subjective element, that of impact – is the image striking? That is why there are 5 judges, becasue we all appreciate differnt things. I look forward to doing a course and judging myself in the future!

Anyway, enough rambling… here they are!

barnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photography

barnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybarnporträtt, fineart porträtt, barnfoto, studio porträtt, barnfotografering, fotograf terri lindholm, lindholm photographybabyfotografering, barnfoto, fotograf stockholm

SM porträttfotografi 2015

What a surprise?!

I’m thrilled with my results at the Swedish Masters in Portrait Photography this year. I entered 6 portraits, they all went to the final round. I won the themed category! My score was 88 points (of 100) which on an international scale is a ‘silver/excellant’. The category was ‘i väntans tider’ which translated to ‘in times fo waiting’. I decided to make a composite image of a clock with a newborn at the center…the focus of the waiting mum. I also received an honourary mention for my portrait, ‘She’s mine’ of a proud dad holding his newborn baby girl.

In the total championships I landed in 8th place in the country! I couldn’t be more proud…. I was secretly hoping for a top 10 placing and I made it! Lets see if I can do top 5 next year!

SM Porträttfoto, SM foto, fotograf terri lindholm, fotograf stockholm

SM Porträttfoto, SM foto, fotograf terri lindholm, fotograf stockholm