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Category Archives: wedding

Bröllop på katarina Kyrka, Södermalm

I love photographing city weddings in Stockholm. The old buildings and light makes for a perfect portrait session. Here are a few sneak peeks from last weekends wedding with the beautiful Therese and Micke.

Bild på bröllop i stockholm södermalm, bröllopsfotograf stockholm, lindholm photography

Bild på bröllop i stockholm södermalm, bröllopsfotograf stockholm, lindholm photographyBild på bröllop i stockholm södermalm, bröllopsfotograf stockholm, lindholm photographyJag älskar att fota bröllop in i Stockholms stadd. med alla fina gamla hus os och kjus… wow, så kul bara. Här finns några snabba bilder från bröllopet i helgen med Therese och Micke som gifta sig i Katarina Kyrka på Södermalm.

Jana och Miro – Married!

This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing another Winter wedding in Stockholm. It was Jana and Miros big day after, did I hear right, 12 years together!! I’m working on their images now and this little series popped out to me so I thought I’d share their beautiful laughter!

bröllop stockholm stadshuset, wedding stockholm city hall, lindholm photography, fotograf terri lindholm

brudpar stockholmsstadshus, bridal couple stockholm city hall, lindholm photography, fotograf terri lindholmbröllop i stockholms stadshuset med riddarholmen i bakgrunden, lindholm photography, fotograf terri lindholm

I helgen var jag bröllopsfotograf åt Jana och Miro på Stockholms stadshuset. Det var en perfekt vintersdag, noll grader fast med lite sol och med deras glädje märkte jag knappt kylan!

Looking back

I posted this wedding last Summer as a slideshow which is of course lovely but I’d thought I’d share it as a story board format since it’s better eye candy, especially now in the dark winter months! Joelle and Henrik married in June at my favourite slott, Ulfsunda Slott in Bromma.

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slottfood, bröllopsmenu, lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

food, bröllopsmenu, lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

lindholm photography, terri lindholm, bröllopsfotograf stockhholm, ulfsunda slott

Jag visade de flesta av dessa bröllopsfoto förra sommaren som ett bildspel som är så klart jättefin, men jag tyckte att jag skulle dela det i en berättelse format nu eftersom det är bättre ögongodis!… särskilt nu i dessa mörka vintermånaderna! Joelle och Henrik gifte sig i juni på min favorit slott, Ulfsunda Slott i Bromma. De hade utomhus viseln under träden framför Ulfsunda Slott.

Carl and Therese Part 2

After our portrait session in town we headed over to Djurgården where the ceremony was to be held. After warming up in the car we braved it one more time for some fully unprotected shots! … and they turned out beautiful!

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, vinterbröllop, brudpar i snöbröllopsfotograf stockholm, vigselringar, vinterbröllopbröllopsfotograf stockholm, brudtärnor, vinterbröllop
The ceremony was held in Djurgårdens Kyrka, which is a 100 year old house, and apart from the bell tower outside you wouldn’t believe it was a church. Inside though it is so charming.

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, vigseln djurgårdens kyrka

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, vigsel djurgårdenskyrka, vinterbröllop

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, vigseln djurgårdens kyrka

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, vigsel djurgårdenskyrka, vinterbröllop

Carl and Therese wedding reception was held at the beautiful Villa Ludwigsberg on Södermalm.

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, bröllopsfest södermalm

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, bröllopsfest södermalm

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, bröllopsfest södermalm, fyrverkerier

bröllopsfotograf stockholm, bröllopsfest södermalm

 Efter vår porträtt session i stan äkte vi till Djurgården där ceremonin skulle hållas. Efter uppvärmning i bilen var vi beredd för en runda av fotografering till, den här gången helt oskyddade! … och det blev kanon! Vigseln var på Djurgården Kyrka som är i gammel hus, som inte är alls lik en krykan utifrån, förutom klocktornen i trädgården. Inuti dock är den en superfin intim kyrka.

Therese and Carl 15 december 2012

brudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllop

The 15th December was a cold day, really cold. It said 0 degrees on the thermometer but it must have been fibbing… of course there was the wind chill. We had a snow storm. This was not quite how Carl and Therese had dreamed of their winter wedding. There was snow at least though, and it was very fresh! We took shelter at Stockholms City Hall for the first part of their portrait session but even that was terribly exposed. We made use of a parked ‘satalite tv sending’ truck and the pillers to protect poor Therese and Carl from the wind. They braved the weather like solders with glowing hearts! I was very lucky to have the company and help of Juliana Wiklund as my second shooter on this day and I’m so thankful. On days like this you don’t just need a back-up set of equipment for when your camera fogs up with condensation in the viewfinder (it happened!) but a second mind and set of eyes is invaluable…and I love working with Juliana! She’ll be blogging her own version of the day soon!

I have so many photos that I’d like to share so I’ll be splitting this story into 2 parts. The second part in a few days time will share the portraits taken on djurgården and the story of their ceremony and first part of the reception. For now though, I’ll start with their first look…the first time C&T saw each other in all the finary on their wedding day and their wedding portraits taken in the city.

brudpar first look stockholms stadhus vinterbröllopglad brudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllopbrudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllop kärleksful blickbrudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllopbrudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllop skrattande

Then it just got too cold!… ..we went to my indoor backup plan….brudpar stockholms stadhus vinterbröllop gående

…Stockholm Central Station! The architecture of the roof makes a background and there is a fair amount of natural light, but a video lamp came of use too as the light dropped.

brudpar stockholm central stationbrudpar lekar stockholm central stationbrudpar pussar stockholm central station

Ok, so this next photo isn’t strictly a portrait but I love it. It was taken as we left the central station. It captures the day so well!brudpar går i snöstorm stockholm

Den 15 december hade jag äran att vara bröllopsfotograf åt Carl och Therese. Det var var en kall dag, riktigt kallt. Det sa 0 grader på termometern, men det måste ha varit fel… men så klart gjorde vinden det allt värre. Vi hade en snöstorm … inte riktigt hur Carl och Therese hade tänkte sig när de planerade sitt vinterbröllop. Det fanns snö åtminstone, och väldigt färskt, ren och vit! Vi tog skydd på Stockholms Stadshus för den första delen av porträtt sessioenn men även där var det fruktansvärt utsatt. Vi tog skydd från vinden av en parkerad “satalite TV sändningslastbil’ och stolperna. Carl och Therese trotsade vädret med brinnade hjärtar! Jag hade mycket tur att ha Juliana Wiklund som min andra fotograf på denna dag och jag är så tacksam. Hon kommer att blogga sin egen version av dagen snart! Det finns så många foton att dela att jag behöver dela denna historia i två. Den första här täcker porträtt delen av bröllopsfotograferingen tagna i stan och om några dagar resten av bröllopsfoton tagna på Djurgården med historien om deras dag. Jag börjar med deras ‘first look’ … första gången C & T såg varandra på sin bröllopsdag! När det blev alldeles för kallt ute så tog vi skydd in i Stockholms Centralstatationen för en del av bröllopsfotograferingen. Det blev himla fin med dess häftigt arkitektur.

Carl and Therese mini engagement session

I photographed this playful couple back in September in preparation for their winter wedding. Their wedding photos will be up on the blog next week but until then I’d thought I’d share some of their mini engagement session photos which was included in their wedding package.

förlovnings fotografering, beloved fotograf, parbilder, kär par svart vitförlovnings fotografering, beloved fotograf, parbilder, kär parförlovnings fotografering, beloved fotograf, svart vit porträtt,förlovnings fotografering, beloved fotograf, parbilder, lekful skrattande parJag fotograferade denna lekfulla par tillbaka i september i förberedelse för deras vinterbröllop. Deras bröllopsbilder kommer upp på bloggen nästa vecka men tills dess tänkte jag visa upp några bilder från deras provfotografering, en mini förlovnings session, som ingick i deras bröllopfotograferings paket.


Åsa and Torbjörns sneak preview

What a beautiful late Summer day we’ve had here in Stockholm?! I had the pleasure of being Åsa and Torbjörn wedding photographer right here on my doorstep in Tullinge! I get to photograph so many children, families and pregnant ladies here in my neighbourhood but not so often wedding couples..and last time it poured with rain and blowed from the east!  bbbrr… that was just back in June! Today we had a beautiful sunny day to match the joy shining from this lovely couple here’s a sneak preview!

Married at Ulfsunda Slott

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svenska kinesiskt brudpar

June 30th was Joelle and Henriks day, their long awaited wedding day was finally here. Joelle was stunning in her beautiful gown and Henrik very stylish in his 3 piece suit, what a pair! Their ceremony outside under an allé of tress was lovely. Their officiant, Mattias, had some wonderful words to say including a piece of advice that I thought was so true… and important to reflect on now as I approach 5 years married! He said beautifully and simply, “Love is not only something you feel – it is something you do. Work on your relationship. Make it your most important project in your life.”

Ulsfunda Slott is the best of wedding locations, a beautiful slott near the centre of town. It’s perfect if you have lots of long travelling guests with its closeness to Bromma airport, stunning hotel rooms and the possibility of an outdoor ceremony in the tree lined allé or the courtyard makes you spoilt for choice…why the praises of this slott? I got married myself here 5 years ago and had the most perfect day ever…just as Joelle and Henrik did! See for yourself! Beware though, the slideshow will take around 7 minutes to watch! …and if you want the full experience then listen to this playlist while you watch!



Married in Tullinge – Lina and jake

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This weekend we had the coldest day in June for over 80 years! It was about 5 degrees and windy…not the best of days for a bride in a very summary Thai silk dress! Despite the weather Lina and Jake braved the cold, took shelter in Körsbärsparken in Tullinge which gave us a couple of square meters for their first look…and see how it turned out! Who needs sunshine?!! Seriously though Lina and Jake were so beautiful and so happy when they saw each other for the first time we just forgot about the rain there for a few minutes! Here’s a collection of the days photos and I hope it brings back lots of memories! If you are a Spotify user then I recommend this song while watching!

I must say thank you to Cherrie for being a great assistant in every sense of the word on this drizzly day! In fact the photos of Jake getting ready are hers!

Nicklas and Lottas Big day!

The 19th of May was a beautiful day, not jut because Summer had arrived early but because was the day that Nicklas and Lotta finally got married!…after 16 years together and 3 children it was about time! They are from Tumba and chose the beautiful little church at Lida for their wedding so we of course made use of the stunning surroundings, a ski slope overlooking the lake for their wedding and family portraits. Lottas dress was probably the biggest I’ve seen. It was so beautifully detailed in a modern Barrock style that we just had to take a few traditional formal photos before moving on to the romantic and lively portraits. After 16 years together you’d think that Lotta and Nicklas would just be going through the motions but they were SOOO in love. It was as if they they were a new couple about to embark on a life together. They both radiated joy and love and I was tearful on several occasions during their portrait session. When Nicklas told Lotta what it was he loved about her all three of us girls were tearful (Lotta, me and my second photographer Anna!) I have yet to look through all of the 1500 photos of their day but I have a picked out a bunch which I think reflects them as a couple, as a family and their day. For my fellow Spotify users, click here if you’d like music to the slideshow.

I helgen gifte sig kära Lotta och Nicklas i Lida Kyrka där jag fick äran att vara deras bröllopsfotograf. Det var en underbart vacker dag med deras närmaste familj, inte minst deras tre söta döttrar!